These Palm products are made from Coconut palm which the "Hat Mon" climbs himself in South Florida. The ART of Palm Weaving originated in Polynesia over 500 years ago. The Hat Mon learned this art from the natives in Zamboanga & Hawaii while climbing trees with them as a child. He has been weaving palm products in South Florida and Ocean City, Maryland for over 31 years.

Over the years, the Hat Mon has perfected his unique style and can create many designs of hats, bowls, baskets, purses, marlin, shark, shrimp, horses, Tweetie Bird, pelicans, lampshades, sealions, leopard rays, drink holders, roses, birds, fish, frogs, grasshoppers, dolphin, turtles, manatee, tall ships, lobsters and more!!!



Proper care is essential for your new product to last a lifetime.
  1. The green product should be frozen overnight. This kills the chlorophyll in the leaf quickly and forces the moisture out of the leaf so that your product will not shrink or become brittle.


  2. Once the product is removed from the freezer, it will turn a rich brown color. Place it in the sun, inside or outside. For best results, place it in the rear or front window of a car where the sun hits directly. If the sun is not available, it may be dried near a heat source, such as a lamp or furnace, although this is not as effective. The drying process takes between 4-7 days. Once thoroughly dry, it will turn a light natural color. Place glass or some sort of weights on legs and wings of frogs and birds while dryin in the sun (try using clothes pins).


  3. After drying, I suggest a coat of clear lacquer spray for a nice flexible finish.

Please Note:
  • These instructions do not apply to painted products
  • Green product is only shipped upon request